This schedule presents the forecast of Proficiency Testing Programs for
, however, programs may be included, changed or even canceled if necessary. Simulate your needs by clicking on the region and artifacts of interest. Payment can be made in fixed monthly installments.
Note: The number of installments may vary depending on the total amount contracted.
Indicate your location, choose the artifacts you are interested in and click the calculate button.
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Electricity
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for October de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Mass
Balança analítica 220 g (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Balança digital 5200 g (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Balança digital 300 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Provider Designated Facilities
Status: Programmed for April de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Pressure
Manômetro analógico 1600 bar (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Haste padrão (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Trena graduada (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Jogo de Arame para Medição de Roscas (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Gabarito de ângulo (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de espessura de camada de tinta seca (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Relógio apalpador analógico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Relógio comparador analógico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for April de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Medição de peças diversas. (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Pressure
Manômetro analógico até 60 kgf/cm² (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro digital acima 100 bar (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Vacuômetro digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro diferencial digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro digital absoluto (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for December de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Régua graduada (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Comparador de diâmetro interno analógico (súbito) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidores de Ângulo (Goniômetro) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador anel liso cilíndrico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador tampão liso cilíndrico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Micrômetro Interno Analógico 3 pontas (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Peneira Granulométrica (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Paquímetro analógico com relógio (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Micrômetro externo digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Gabarito de folga (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador anel roscado cilíndrico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador tampão roscado cilíndrico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Esquadro de precisão (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de espessura analógico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for December de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Medição de peças diversas (Placa de Orifício) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for March de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Dimensional
Microscópio de medição (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Desempeno de granito (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de altura (com duas colunas) digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Electricity
Fonte de tensão DC (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Fonte de corrente DC (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Indutores padrão (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Resistores padrão DC (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Electricity
Medidor de capacitância (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de indutância (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de resistência AC (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Electricity
Calibrador de Sinais Elétricos (Fonte de corrente AC) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Sinais Elétricos (Fonte de corrente DC) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Sinais Elétricos (Fonte de tensão AC) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Sinais Elétricos (Fonte de tensão DC) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Sinais Elétricos (Fonte de resistência DC) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for July de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Strength
Instrumento de Medição de Força de Uso Geral (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Mass
Peso padrão 5 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Peso padrão 20 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for March de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Mass
Peso padrão até 2 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for October de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Mass
Balança de grande capacidade 5000 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Provider Designated Facilities
Status: Programmed for April de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Mass
Balança analítica 220 g (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Balança digital 4100g (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Balança digital 500 kg (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for October de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Especific Mass
Densímetro de vidro (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for May de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Especific Mass
Densímetro digital de linha (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for July de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Optics
Refratômetro (Values ??not yet defined.) - Item not accredited
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for May de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Pressure
Manômetro analógico até 60 kgf/cm² (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro digital acima de 100 bar (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Vacuômetro digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro diferencial digital (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro digital absoluto (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for May de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Pressure
Manômetro analógico acima 60 kgf/cm² (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Manômetro digital abaixo de 100 bar (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Vacuômetro Analógico (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Transmissor de pressão com saída elétrica (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Barômetro digital sem conexão de pressão (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Chemistry
Portable gas detector (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Detector de gases com indicação indireta (fixo) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Chemistry
Medidor de pH. (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de condutividade. (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Time and Frequency
Digital stopwatch (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Tachometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Time and Frequency
Medidor de frequência (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Medidor de intervalo de tempo (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Gerador de frequência (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Gerador de intervalo de tempo (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Temperature and Humidity
Digital Thermohygrometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Infrared thermometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro digital com sensor termorresistivo (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro de líquido em vidro (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Transmissor de temperatura para sensor termopar tipo X (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Temperature and Humidity
Resistance thermometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termopar de metais nobres tipo R (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro digital com sensor termopar tipo T (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Multicalibrador de temperatura - (indicador de temperatura) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Multicalibrador de temperatura - (simulador de temperatura). (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro mecânico (bimetálico) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for December de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Temperature and Humidity
Resistance thermometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termopar de metais básicos tipo T (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro digital com sensor termopar tipo N (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Multicalibrador de temperatura - (indicador de temperatura) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Multicalibrador de temperatura - (simulador de temperatura). (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Termômetro mecânico (bimetálico) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for April de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Temperature and Humidity
Câmara térmica e climática (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Temperatura com Bloco (Forno) (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for October de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Torque
Torquímetro com relógio (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Torquímetro de estalo (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for August de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Volume
Pipeta graduada (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Volumetric flask (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Volumetric pipette (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Picnometer (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Micropipette (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Dispensador de volume (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for June de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Volume
Volumetric flask (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for April de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Acoustics and Vibrations
Medidor de Nível Sonoro - norma ABNT NBR IEC 61672-3 (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Calibrador de Nível Sonoro IEC 60942 (Values ??not yet defined.) - Accredited Item
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for September de 2028
Proficiency Testing Program na Area Optics
Medidor de luz visível - Luxímetro (Values ??not yet defined.) - Item not accredited
Place: In Participants' Own Facilities
Status: Programmed for October de 2028
If, during the year, the program is canceled or the amounts proposed in the contract are reduced, the amounts will be deducted from the final installments or will be considered as credit.
If there is an increase in the same values ??no will be passed on to the contractor, in addition to having the priority in the schedule with a guaranteed place.
We also carry out proficiency testing on demand (SD), depending on our scope or needs in specific areas.
Para mayores aclaraciones, contáctenos por teléfono: (11) 91313-7744 o por correo electrónico:
Please fill in the information below so we can contact you:
FT - 06B rev 00 de 01/11/2016