Quality in Laboratories of Metrology
Proficiency Testing

Useful Links
Understand Eptis
Eptis Access - QLM

The influence of metrological uncertainties on the quality of the results of an environmental test

Beware of Invalid Programs
There are in the market, providers reporting that EP programs registered in the Eptis data continue to be accepted without exceptions, but we believe some clarifications are important: know more...


We offer consulting services for the accreditation of laboratories in the areas of calibration and testing that aim to accredit your laboratory according to ISO / IEC 17025 by CGCRE(RBC / RBLE) To know more, contact comercial@qlmpro.com.br , know more...
We recently had our scope of accreditation expanded, including specific mass to volume scope (6 items), 21 items in Dimensional and 17 items in Electricity (proficiency test in calibration).

Scope of Accreditation
Accreditation Certificate
QLM Registration Data

  Programs in Progress (position the mouse over the program to view the artifacts)
Calibration Test Inspection
Advantages of choosing QLMPRO  
  • Quality of artifacts and references
  • Issuance of advance reports
  • If you have unsatisfactory results, get discounts of up to 30% on the next.
  • SD programs in up to 45 days..
  • Online monitoring

Cronograma Anual:
Programming for 2024
Programming for 2025
Programming for 2026
Programming for 2027
Programming for 2028
Programming for 2029

Access our
4-year timeline for Calibration
to help with the preparation of the EP plan or
Schedule of 2024
which allows a simulation of the costs of your participation for this year.

Schedule Colombia

SD Proficiency Test

QLMPRO has accreditation to perform exclusive EP as needed and at any time.

It is recommended for extension request, treatment of unsatisfactory results and resolution of NC received during a Cgcre evaluation.

Get to know our On Demand programs and see how it's worth. Get in touch to know more: comercial@qlmpro.com.br

Q L M TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS LTDA. CNPJ - 09.598.879/0001-90 - Prof. Gustavo Pires de Andrade Street, 130 - Vila Prudente - São Paulo - SP - ZIP Cod 03140-010